Within most companies, corporate social responsibility is not limited to the way in which a company carries out activities.
ICH BV puts the employee first and at the same time does not forget the region.
We encourage our employees to participate in and contribute to charities and social organizations. This can be in the form of making time available or sponsorship/donations. There is an active sponsorship policy, supporting regional and social initiatives. In addition, a permanent office of SRK-Kinderhulp is located within ICH BV.
We also actively seek cooperation with other local parties in our business operations by having external production processes carried out regionally. This is in line with the European Union's aim to strengthen the domestic market. ICH uses EU funds for Regional Development to develop a sustainable product.
Sponsorship / Donation
There are several foundations and associations, ICH is connected to a greater or lesser extent, either through financial resources (sponsorship or donations) or in some other way, e.g. through participation in Hoogeveen on Stage and Techniek Tastbaar to enthuse students for the technical sector. For more information, see this page.